kay I know that most english peoples on here are from europe, but I was wondering if anyone was going to AC this weekend? I'd be nice to know thought I'll be leaving tonight so I don't know if I'll see if anyone posted something on this topic xD
anyway, anyone is going? ^^
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Rimou a écrit:Au premier degrés, avoir un animal en soit peut se révéler médicalement très douloureux... :lol:
turbocarl -
(Sparkle husky anthro noir/blanc/vert/bleu/bleu foncé)
I vote for Quimby - Messages: 241
- Inscription: 04 Jan 2007, 13:37
- Localisation: Québec, Canada
Re: Anthrocon?
not going for this year but still hoping I'll come in the future. Have a good Anthrocon moment ! And waves to aliens from us 

Rimou - Chat sphynx (Gonflable) Anthro
- Messages: 13744
- Inscription: 21 Août 2003, 08:29
- Localisation: Nantes
Sur la Furmap: Rimou
Portfolio https://lematougraphe.fr/ -->
Re: Anthrocon?
me and Aoi Kitsune are currently in a hotel in NY, tomorrow we take the train to Pittsburgh and we should be at the Westin by tomorrow evening.
i'll wear a spongebob tshirt on thursday if you want to say hi
i'll wear a spongebob tshirt on thursday if you want to say hi
Tu l'as voulu, tu l'as eu.
darkou - Snow Leopard Anthro
- Messages: 2632
- Inscription: 12 Jan 2007, 22:21
- Localisation: Lille (nord)
Portfolio http://www.furaffinity.net/user/darkou/ -->
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