Feline greetings!

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Feline greetings!

Messagede Perx » 19 Juil 2009, 16:42

Bon soir! Je suis chat noir!
Well, oui, oui, je parle un peu le français, but I can fully understand sentences, so, for me, it's gonna be easier to read than speak, but I'm trying to learn French :3

Well, I'm the admin of the largest Brazilian Furry Community, and, since Firespike told me about this forum, it's a pleasure for me to explore new worlds, and know new people. Also, I love studying languages, and it's going to be a challenge for me. Also, I can speak Japanese, and a little Finnish. And Portuguese, bien sûr heh ^^'

Je suis enchantée de faire votre connaissance! Merci ^^ *Bows*
Désolé pour le mauvais français ^^'
J'essayerais de parler français :3
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Messages: 12
Inscription: 19 Juil 2009, 01:20
Localisation: Brazil


Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Irinae » 19 Juil 2009, 16:50

Nya welcome cuty kitty =3
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Rimou » 19 Juil 2009, 17:35

Bienvenu sur Francefurs , Perx :cat: nice to know someone who's curious about strange and weird countries likes France :lol:
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede darkou » 19 Juil 2009, 20:03

Bienvenue! j'espère que tu te plairas ici et que tu te feras des amis !
Tu l'as voulu, tu l'as eu.
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Vector » 19 Juil 2009, 21:26

Hello et bienvenue sur ce forum ! :P

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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Orthank » 19 Juil 2009, 21:27

Bienvenue à toi

I don't really know lots of things about the Brazilian Furry Community, could you provide us more informations ?

Alo Nokee Washte ishte shne po ishte anohe wa alo porah ki ni alo ich Rah eche towa ishamuhale nahe owa pawene ich tihikea ich neahok po wa owa pikialo tawaporah ish uku nahe kichalo ich owakeri owa alo.
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Perx » 19 Juil 2009, 21:45

Well, as far as I'm concerned, there's just one big forum here (One or another sites are being developed, but, well, they end up joining our forum) called Furry Brasil. Of course, there's a community from orkut, and so, but, again, related to the forum. There's not sooo many users there, but because here, in Brazil, furry is not a thing that shows up everywhere. A lot of furries know some other sites (Specially adult sites) and come across our Forum later, by chance.

There's just one large Furcon, called Abando, once a year, but it's still improving year by year. Sure, we meet along the year, by some casual fur meetings in a lot of cities, and it's nice. We have some fabulous artists, spreading the furry culture around the country, and we hope it can grow a lot ^^

Even though furries here are a bit lazy :oops:

But they help ^^
Désolé pour le mauvais français ^^'
J'essayerais de parler français :3
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Inscription: 19 Juil 2009, 01:20
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Tayi » 19 Juil 2009, 22:13

Bonjour Perx!

Perx a écrit:... because here, in Brazil, furry is not a thing that shows up everywhere.
Do you mean that you don't see many furries around (which is probably much the same over here, I think; at least I haven't seen any unexpected furs yet except for last years' Halloween at Disneyland Paris.. and I was more-or-less expecting it there :) ) or that anthropomorphic characters don't feature in everyday brazilian culture that much?
Oooh... comment ça marche?
*poc* *poc* *Poc* *POC* *POC*
Oh... ça ne marche plus...
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Yukiryu » 19 Juil 2009, 22:21

KAWA PEEEEEERRRRRX!!! ENVAZÃO BISCATE! A, ici, tu vas parler Français Muahaha!

So, you finally came XD Hope you'll envoy here as in FB! And who knows, you'll probably will talk French after some "improvised" teach XD
Wanna come in france? You'll be welcom in my alpian house XD Let's go skiing! lol

So welcome here! =D
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Undonielle » 19 Juil 2009, 22:27

Welcome here... :)
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Perx » 19 Juil 2009, 23:39

Tayi a écrit:Bonjour Perx!

Perx a écrit:... because here, in Brazil, furry is not a thing that shows up everywhere.
Do you mean that you don't see many furries around (which is probably much the same over here, I think; at least I haven't seen any unexpected furs yet except for last years' Halloween at Disneyland Paris.. and I was more-or-less expecting it there :) ) or that anthropomorphic characters don't feature in everyday brazilian culture that much?

A bit of both. Like, there are a few cities that have a lot of furries, so, meetings are common. But we don't advertise it very much, so, furry culture don't feature in our daily routine that much heh.

Firespike a écrit:KAWA PEEEEEERRRRRX!!! ENVAZÃO BISCATE! A, ici, tu vas parler Français Muahaha!

J'essayerais de parler français :3
Désolé pour le mauvais français ^^'
J'essayerais de parler français :3
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Inscription: 19 Juil 2009, 01:20
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Emillie Wolf » 20 Juil 2009, 09:05

Hello ! Sorry d'avance for my very bad english.
C'est pas Emilie ni Emily, c'est Emillie ! Avec deux L ! Et le prochain qui oublie un de mes L, je lui botte le Q !
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Redmoon Wolfen » 25 Juil 2009, 12:48

Hello and Welcome Perx
Le nombre 111 représente le Jugement des Anges,
Le nombre 666 représente la Bête des Enfers,
Le nombre 888 représente le Chaos quand j'interviens.
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Mister » 25 Juil 2009, 14:41

Welcome aboard Perx ! ;P
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Re: Feline greetings!

Messagede Skianous » 25 Juil 2009, 15:58

Bienvenue, avec un peu de retard. :3

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