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Bonjour France.
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Re: Bonjour France.
Alo Nokee Washte ishte shne po ishte anohe wa alo porah ki ni alo ich Rah eche towa ishamuhale nahe owa pawene ich tihikea ich neahok po wa owa pikialo tawaporah ish uku nahe kichalo ich owakeri owa alo.
Orthank - Tauren (T2 chaman) Anthro
- Messages: 4347
- Inscription: 01 Mar 2007, 19:24
- Localisation: Warneton (BE)
Sur la Furmap: Orthank
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Re: Bonjour France.
When you said you were going to turn 19 very soon, it was very soon indeed! XD
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Finrod - Dragon Anthro
- Messages: 308
- Inscription: 04 Déc 2008, 20:02
- Localisation: Nice-Grenoble
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Re: Bonjour France.
Welcome to the forum, Stripe! Hope you enjoy your stay here and keep posting often! :*)~
AladasianWSuricatus - Meerkat (Loofa Sponge Killin' Meerkat) Anthro
- Messages: 42
- Inscription: 28 Oct 2008, 08:57
- Localisation: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Re: Bonjour France.
Helloooo from another English native
trois mesures de taches et une mesure d'œufs à la diable
- Erik
- guépard Anthro
- Messages: 14
- Inscription: 27 Déc 2008, 04:52
- Localisation: Portland, OR, États-Unis
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