Bonjour from an American fur

General discussions in English go here. Anything furry related (PG)
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Bonjour from an American fur

Messagede SurelyNotACoyote » 07 Nov 2019, 06:51

Bonjour salut, je suis Coyote! Now i've already made an introduction post in (very bad) French, but since I'm natively an English speaker, I figured i'd make a post here as well.
So let me go a little more in-depth about who I am.

Online, I go by my alias Coyote. I'm an 18 year old male living in the northern part of the United states. I'm still pretty new to French but I study a lot and try my best to interact with other French folks. Theres no way I could type so much of this out in French yet, so I consider myself a beginner.

I'm using this forum because I want to connect with other french furs- to make some friends and also help my studies in the process! I plan to move to France sometime in my future, hence why I've decided to connect with other french furs rather than stick with my local american furs.

So why do I plan to move to France, you might ask?
Well, its a lot more complicated in my head than I can type out. Long story short, I just don't feel accepted in america/like I dont belong here. I don't know why exactly I decided to lean more towards french, culture and language wise, but I just feel much more comfortable with it. I much rather speak french than english, but because of such little knowledge of the language yet, that makes it hard for me to keep up a conversation.

BUT ANYWAY, I think I got too off track. I wanted to introduce myself properly, and I would love to meet some new people to talk to! I'm virtually always available on Discord (Coyote#4307) so if anybody would fancy adding me and talking with me a bit, feel free! Just let me know where you came from otherwise I'll be confused. xD
Preferably somebody who is comfortable speaking and understanding English, and willing to correct my French a bit, it would make it so much easier to communicate that way. ;w;
I love to talk about most topics (but I stray from politics) so I'm easy to get along with!
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Coyote   Non Anthro
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Inscription: 25 Oct 2019, 08:07

Re: Bonjour from an American fur

Messagede Loupy » 07 Nov 2019, 08:25

Good luck on your projects. Many furs have feelings of not fitting in society, so it's not an unknown thing around here. I do hope you can find people to discuss with.
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Re: Bonjour from an American fur

Messagede Rimou » 07 Nov 2019, 17:45

Hello and welcome :3
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Re: Bonjour from an American fur

Messagede Claircendre » 07 Nov 2019, 19:53

i do not know what to say, hummm maby: welcome here again mr Coyote ^v^
dont be shy, i think every body here are cool. So if you had some question about french, furry, or other, we are here and happy to give you answer (the other i dont know but me yes ^v^)
you say you post a very bad french presentation but look this ^v^'
Croa croa. Moi oiseau de mauvais augure? mais non... Juste nécrophage filou et farceur ^v^
+ [spoiler]
déçue? vous vous attendiez à quoi? ^v^
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