
General discussions in English go here. Anything furry related (PG)
Do you want to get to know more about the french furry community and furries, or do you want to present yourself,
the specificities of the furry fandom in your country, share your activities or subjects of interest with them ?
This is the place too :) Don't be shy we'd love to hear more about you.

In this general section you should post general furry related subjects that don't fit in one of the other categories.

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Messagede BlissfulOblivion » 13 Fév 2017, 08:34

Uhhh I posted in the other introduction section already but... looking at this forum I realize how little a vocabulary I have in French ; o ;

Honestly uhm I'd really love to find someone who wants to practice English so I can have a language exchange thingy going. Preferably over skype or discord altho the time difference makes that hard... P: In addition, I have school and that is currently taking over my life... but at least someone to message back and forth with! The way I'd like best to do it would be write one message in both languages :P but whatever would work.

Uhm. Any takers? P:

français :

Uhhhh j'ai déjà écrit dans l'autre section des introductions mais... parcourir ce forum je comprend comme peu de mots je connais ; o ;

Honnêtement je voudrais bien trouver quelqu'un qui veut pratiquer l'anglais pour que je puisse pratiquer parler en français. Plutôt sur skype ou discord mais le difference du temps fait ça un peu difficile... P: En plus, j'ai des devoirs et ça consomme ma vie maintenant... mais au moyen quelqu'un pour envoyer des messages l'un l'autre ! Le façon que je préfère est d'écrire une message en les deux langues :P Mais n'importe quoi serait bien.

Uhm. Des preneurs ? P:
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loup, lapin
Messages: 5
Inscription: 08 Fév 2017, 22:02
Localisation: San Diego

Re: Helloooo

Messagede Pokill99 » 13 Fév 2017, 08:36

Yeah sure why not ^^ we could play video games whils speaking in english. Come to the forum's discord even if there's nobody on the vocal channels x)
C'est un grand Meh pour moi.
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Loup, Hibou grand-duc  (Gris, Cheveux noirs queue de cheval, yeux Bruns, oeil gauche borgne)   Anthro
Messages: 139
Inscription: 03 Déc 2016, 20:16
Localisation: Est de la france

Sur la Furmap: Pokill99


Re: Helloooo

Messagede BlissfulOblivion » 13 Fév 2017, 08:39

Pokill99 a écrit:Yeah sure why not ^^ we could play video games whils speaking in english. Come to the forum's discord even if there's nobody on the vocal channels x)

I wanna speak french too! But yeah i can talk in english a bit. Hopefully both ^^ / Je veux parler en français aussi ! Mais ouais je peux parler en anglais un peu. J'espère que les deux ^^ mdr
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loup, lapin
Messages: 5
Inscription: 08 Fév 2017, 22:02
Localisation: San Diego

Re: Helloooo

Messagede Loupy » 13 Fév 2017, 10:27

I have a TOEIC of 975 so I can help translating anything you would like to say and help you improve if you don't mind typing.
Le plus mignon des louveteaux français
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Loup   Anthro
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Inscription: 05 Déc 2003, 09:19
Localisation: Dijon


Re: Helloooo

Messagede Samantaz » 13 Fév 2017, 14:24

Hey ! Welcome aboard ! I love to speak english, so why not ? Come on the frenchfurs' discord server !

If you're afraid of time offset, don't worry, I'm part of an american chat and I can speak with them, even if they finally end up chatting late in the night !
Light thinks it travels faster than anything, but it's wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it always finds that darkness has gotten there first, and is waiting for it.

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Renarde, Panthère  (Brune, yeux bleus)   Anthro
Lady Bugs
Messages: 262
Inscription: 14 Sep 2016, 12:49
Localisation: Loin de ma Bretagne natale :'(

Sur la Furmap: Samantaz

Re: Helloooo

Messagede Brasio » 13 Fév 2017, 17:55

Worry not little rabbit-a'bit... (Wow... never again this pun)

I'm not spooked 'bout English =w= The Discord is open H24 =)
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Lynx gris   Anthro
Bidibidi Bidibidi !!
Messages: 220
Inscription: 27 Oct 2016, 22:56
Localisation: France

Fursuiter, sur la DB: Brasio

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